Hand and Foot

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Just finished playing a game of cards with Rachael, Cousin Jeanie, and Jason. It was Cousin Jeanie and I versus Rach and Jay. The game was called "Hand and Food", and it is very similar to Canasta. I'm not sure if the rules we played by were "official" - I think some of the rules were missing, but whatever. I think I like Canasta a little better, but if I found the official rules, I might like it a little more. Rach and Jason won the game. (even if Jeanie and I had won, I still would have liked Canasta better).

During the game, Jeanie and I were drinking wine, and Rach and Jason were drinking margaritas. Strong margaritas. Rach was fairly drunk, Jeanie was tipsy. Jen had a few drinks earlier, and she wasn't doing very well. Jason and I were feeling fine. It'll be an interesting morning. Jen's supposed to make us all french toast, and we're supposed to leave for the aquarium between 8:30am and 9am. I have a feeling that some people won't be able to get up that early.

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This page contains a single entry by David Garozzo published on August 16, 2009 11:54 PM.

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